
Elcie Chan

EU Commercial Director – Digital Health, Otsuka

Learn from Elcie Chan at the 3rd Digital Health Conference on 12 & 13 October 2023.

08.30 - 09.10 AM Presentation

Thursday 12th Oct

What have we learned that tells us what the future may hold for DTx?

Making a successful business out of Digital
therapeutics (DTx) is challenging... to say the
least. Partly because the field is complex, with DTx
encompassing a variety of products that can mean
different things to different people. Partly because
health authorities and providers around the world
are evolving how they are making decisions around
access and adoption of these products. Over the
last 5 years we’ve seen a variety of successes and
failures. What have we learned already? What can
we expect for the future? This presentation aims
to provide a perspective on what our industry
may need to prepare for to develop DTx and a
commercial strategy that will stand up to the rigors
of value assessments and support a sustainable and
profitable business for the future.

Key points:

  • What is encompassed under the umbrella of DTx and how does this impact determination of value?
  • How have payers in Europe evolved their approach to evaluating DTx for pricing and reimbursement? 
  • What has and has not worked to drive healthcare provider adoption and patient uptake?


Elcie Chan

EU Commercial Director – Digital Health
